Payroll Services, Including Payroll Tax
Payroll functions can be a huge headache for all businesses, pharmacies included. Laws and IRS regulations have made preparing quarterly and annual payroll tax filings quite time consuming; business owners and managers end up devoting valuable time to laboring over payroll functions, rather than focusing on things such as generating sales, prospecting new business opportunities, and servicing customers. There are a plethora of reasons to outsource your payroll: you will save time and money; your worries about payroll tax filing will be alleviated; you will be freed up to devote your efforts to other important areas, such as core competencies.
We partner with various payroll providers that offer the following:
- Comprehensive Payroll Services
- After-the-Fact Payroll Services
- Online Payroll Processing
- Custom Payroll Reports Service:
- Worker’s Compensation Audits
- Unemployment Claims
- Social Security Audits
- Child Support Audits
- W-2 and W-3 Processing
- 1099 and 1096 Processing
- Preparation/Assistance with Federal and State Registration Forms